Season 1, Episode 4: Maf's SuperMarioLogan Movie

August 18, 2021

Mitchel Reyna is the owner of the YouTube channel, Mafdominus. Mafdominus is a critic and plushtubers, YouTubers making videos with plushies. Reyna's videos were mostly about a YouTuber named SuperMarioLogan. In 2020, Reyna knew SuperMarioLogan was slowly declining in quality and decided to make a movie as his last video about SuperMarioLogan. Reyna decided to make his movie because the original version got delayed by four years and later canceled. After a month delayed, the SuperMarioLogan Movie was finally released on August 14, 2021. The movie was about Junior and Chef Peepee looking for Mario to hide away from a robot terrorist group called the Decepticons because they planned to kidnap Chef Peepee. Even though the movie was well-received, it was a mediocre disappointment.

The movie began with the main protagonist, Junior, finding out his father, Browser, left to go to a convention to meet his favorite actor, Charley. When Browser left, his chef named Chef Peepee, took the parental role. During summer vacation, Chef Peepee made eggs and beans for breakfast, but Junior demanded pizza. Chef Peepee gave into Junior's demands by making bread with mayonnaise and ham on top as improvisation. Then, Junior got disappointed by the pizza and threw it on the floor, making Chef Peepee clean up the mess. While cleaning up the mess, Junior's friend, Joseph, visited him and played kaiju action figures. Joseph gave Junior a reality check about how he treated Chef Peepee, but he responded Chef Peepee was below him. While Joseph was in the bathroom, a Decepticon named Blitzwing went inside the house and asked Junior for a rare gem called Energon, so Junior gave it to him. Blizwing gave it to his leader, Megatron, and revealed his motivation was to use the Energon to take control of the island, Iron Asses of Whales, and use the island resources for world dominion. Also, Megatron revealed Chef Peepee was the son of King Strongbottom and wanted to kidnap him to gain access to Iron Asses of Whales. Junior watched the news, which told King Strongbottom died, making Chef Peepee next to royalty. Then, a Decepticon shot a missile at the house, causing a fire. Fortunately, Junior and Chef Peepee escaped. There was a robot organization that fought against the Decepticons called the Autobots. One of their members, Bumblebee, attacked the Decepticon. Unfortunately, Joseph died during the attack. Since Bumblebee cannot protect Chef Peepee and Junior, Junior said Mario would protect them, so they traveled to Florida. In Mario's house, Megatron made a deal with Chef Peepee to kidnap him in exchange for being away from Junior. When Junior heard the news, he got a heart attack and went into Purgatory. In Purgatory, a female spirit named Eddie showed Junior’s past mistake, and he convinced her to resurrect him. After Eddie revived Junior, he saved Chef Peepee unlit the Decepticons caught them. The Autobots arrested the Decepticons and sent Megatron to Brazil. Junior told Chef Peepee he did not care what feeds him. Also, Joseph resurrected.

People should watch the movie once because the jokes were hilarious. Browser leaving Junior was funny because the reason was abstract, and he acted like a normal part of life for a parent to abandon their child to meet their favorite celebrity. Chef Peepee and Junior argued over breakfast as a funny way to establish their internal conflict. It was an exaggeration of the argument between a guardian and child even though the conflict was unoriginal since it was about the child should be grateful to their guardian. The scene became hilarious because Chef Peepee’s improvisation of a pizza was bread with mayonnaise and ham on top. Then, Junior's priceless reaction was to say, You’re kidding, and threw the pizza on the floor. Junior offered to drive Chef Peepee was hilarious because Junior justified driving without a license because he was sixteen, and it was fake news. The best part was the punchline when Junior got put over by the cops. The movie did references correctly. For example, the Spongebob reference was comedic gold because it added to the plot since Junior used the rock to go to Florida. The best part was Chef Peepee's reaction. Since Chef Peepee did not believe Junior at first, he was not shocked when Junior drove away with the rock but accepted he was wrong.

The movie had many faults. These faults were Junior was a jerk, the disrespect to Joseph's death, unnecessary filter, randomly established characters, Eddie's machine was illogical, Chef Peepee leaving with Junior was way too quick, and the usages of outdated memes. The worst fault was Junior. He was an ungrateful brat which made it difficult to like him as the main protagonist. For example, Joseph politely gave Junior a reality check of his poor treatment of Chef Peepee. He believed that he could treat Chef Peepee any way he wanted since his father paid Chef Peepee to be his servant. Since Junior was a brat, the audience did not care that Junior got a heart attack caused by his realization that Chef Peepee chose to get kidnapped because he did not have the self-awareness that his whining stressed Chef Peepee out. The execution of Joseph’s death was poor. Even though Joseph was Junior's best friend, Junior had a lack of reaction to his death. If Junior was upset over Joseph's death, the audience could see his vulnerability and humanize him. Also, Joseph's resurrection was stupid. Death created tension in the story because death was a scary part of the human experience. Even though having diarrhea and death are both horrifying parts of life, death was worse because diarrhea is temporary, but death is permitted. Also, Joseph was not significant to the movie because he was a minor character and got resurrected at the very end, making his resurrection pointless. Even though the Reno City scene was hilarious, it wasted time since it showed off the city and having Mario and his friends playing Uno as a casino game, which never moved the plot forward. The movie randomly established characters from SuperMarioLogan and Transformers, expecting the audience to know them. The characters were out of nowhere with an established personality or backstory at the beginning, making the audience feel alienated. Transformers fans can tell which Decepticons were on the scene. The voice of Eddie was distracting because the text-to-speech voice was choppy and hard to listen to. Eddie's machine that can transport souls into the multiverse was pointless. Even though it was cool seeing Junior travel to different universes, it was unnecessary because Junior can go to his original universe, and the plot would never change. Chef Peepee left the Iron Asses of Whales too quickly because Junior had been mentally torturing Chef Peepee throughout his lifetime, but he was willing to escape because Junior apologized to him once. The movie used outdated memes. For example, the movie chose to do a viewer mail time meme instead of having a battle between the Decepticons and Autobots. The movie rather had an irrelevant joke than a fascinating fight scene.



Movie Soundtrack