Season 1, Episode 16: The Batman (2022)

March 16, 2022

After two delays, The Batman is pandering and boring garbage.The writing is a similar quantity to sixteen years old. The Batman is unintentionally hilarious due to stupid logic. Gil Colson exposes confidential information about the rat to Catwoman. Even though he is drunk, he should keep a secret because he maintains a conspiracy. When Batman and Commissioner Gordon asks if the Penguin is el rata alada, Penguin calls them stupid for using the wrong pronoun even though the Penguin has no reason to care for Spanish grammar. Batman is indestructible. While Batman is gliding, he hits his head on the beams of the bridge and falls a few feet away, but he walks away as if it is nothing. During the final fight, a henchman shot Batman in the chest without causing major bleeding. Batman suddenly recovers from his critical injury by using venom, which had never been established in the previous scene.

Alfred being a victim of a bombing is not sad. There is no emotional connection between Batman and Alfred because Alfred has little screen time, and his purpose is to help solve puzzles.The Batman is boring. The uninspired chase scene between Batman and Penguin drags on because Batman drives in a straight line as the Penguin drives on different roads and sometimes shoots Batman. The Batman is edgy because of the over-the-top violence, and everyone acts like teenagers. Batman beats gang members multiple times instead of knocking them out with one punch, proving Batman is weak. The Riddler cuts the thumb of Mayor Mitchell even though it is impossible for him to have a chance to cut a thumb off while killing the mayor. Batman behaves like an emo teenager. He is not muscular, wears eyeliner, has messy hair, and talks with a soft voice. He does not care about going bankrupt and tells Alfred that he is not his father. Riddler posting his messages on social media is a moronic idea. He has a fake deep voice as he talks about murdering everyone to expose the truth. In Arkama, Riddler has a meltdown like a teenager. He quietly screams at Batman because Batman calls him a psycho. Batman says, “What have you done?” causing him to sing like an idiot.

Detective work is outstanding. Batman solves the cipher by using the riddle to find out the answer spells out drive. He knows he needs to find a USB drive because Mayor Mitchell is missing a thumb. He finds out that he is the next victim because he discovers the Gotham Renewal Fund is a fraud, which was created by Thomas Wayne.The final fight scene perfectly demonstrates Batman as a skillful fighter. He uses smoke bombs to sneak on the henchmen and steal one of their guns. He uses the gun as a melee weapon to knock them out. The fight demonstrates that he is a human because he got injured from a gunshot and struggles to hold onto a billboard ledge.The ending is the best element because it completes the character development of Batman. He is willing to jump into a flood to save people under the rubble. The scene shows Batman starting as an angry man using vengeance to fight crime into a hero who represents hope. There is no dialogue as Batman pulls people to dry land.


Dick, Jeremy. “The Batman Criticized on Social Media for 'Woke' Elements.” MovieWeb, 5 Mar. 2022,

Fink, Richard. “The Batman Release Date Isn't Changing As Of Now Says WarnerMedia CEO.” ScreenRant, 11 Jan. 2022,,at%20DC%20Fandome%2C%20Warner%20Bros.