Season 1, Episode 11: Brooklyn Guy The Rapper

January 1, 2022

I reviewed SuperMarioLogan twice throughout the series. The first time is a video called “The Life Of Brooklyn T. Guy”, and the second time is a fan movie called Maf's SuperMarioLogan. In the previous reviews, I never established my overall opinion about SuperMarioLogan. I discovered SuperMarioLogan in third grade when my cousin and I found his Pokemón series. The golden age of SuperMarioLogan was one of the best YouTube channels due to its charming characters and creative storytelling. On January 26, 2016, SuperMarioLogan went through a massive downfall due to the introduction of Jeffy. Jeffy made the videos more stupid, crueler, unfunny, and unimaginative. A perfect example for a modern SuperMarioLogan video is “Brooklyn Guy The Rapper.”

Before the video starts, there is a visual problem. The puppets look worse than the original plushies. Martin always has a worried expression which restricts his ability to show various emotions. The Mario plush does not stay with one expression due to his emotionless eye and mustache covering his mouth. In modern SuperMarioLogan, Rose is described to be a beautiful woman with many exes, but her design does not fit with the personality. Rose dresses like an average person. She wears a tank top, jeans, sandals, and a necklace. Also, her physical features are terrible because of her short and fat body with a big head. Unlike the puppet, Rosalina plush has a more elegant design because she is tall while wearing a crown and a long, sky blue dress.

In the beginning, Jeffy tortures Martin by annoying him by playing the telephone cup loudly. Then, he throws chicken nuggets at Martin, causing him to choke. Martin did not deserve the suffering because he never mentally or physically hurt Jeffy. Also, he has a cold which means he is too tired to deal with Jeffy's nonsense.

Brooklyn Guy's younger brother, Jonathan, is annoying. In the video, he is an intern and should not be doing medical work unless instructed otherwise. Jonathan decides to treat Martin’s cold. His lack of medical experience causes him to mess up getting Martin’s pulse then create unnecessary panic by stating Martin is dying. Then, Jonathan tries to do surgery on Martin, which is risking his life because he does not have a medical degree. Jonathan's meeting with Martin lasts for two minutes and forty seconds and never moves the plot forward. There is a running gag of Jonathan calling himself Dr. Pepper. The gag fails to be funny because it drags on too long since they repeat through the majority of the video. When a man needs surgery, Brooklyn Guy asks Jonathan for medical supplies. Instead of getting supplies, Jonathan is too busy laughing at his Dr. Pepper joke. The scene is irritating because Jonathan willingly lets a man die over a stupid joke.

The video has been torturing Brooklyn Guy. Mr. Goodman sues Brooklyn Guy for ten million dollars over medical malpractice. Brooklyn Guy does not deserve to get the lawsuit because Jonathan is responsible for not getting the surgery done professionally because he does not give Brooklyn Guy the medical supplies. Also, Jonathan increases the fee to twenty million dollars by admitting not having a medical license. Then, Mr. Goodman threatens Jonathan to increase the cost to thirty million dollars if he laughs about the Dr. Pepper joke. Of course, Jonathan laughs at the joke. Due to Jonathan, Brooklyn Guy cannot afford the lawsuit because he makes about $355,158 per month. If Brooklyn Guy has not paid the fee, he could lose his job and go to prison.

The rap has no replay value due to its lack of diversity. The beat structure repeats the two rhythms throughout the entire song, and the lyrics have no variety. The first verse is Brooklyn Guy singing, I have many jobs, which is followed by a list of jobs. The part in Brooklyn Guy sings about smelling his fingertips lasts for forty-nine seconds. The fingertips verse is not funny but gross because it is about Brooklyn Guy being an obstetrician and getting the afterbirth smell on his finger. The grossness factor increases when Johnathan wants to smell Brooklyn Guy’s finger. When Brooklyn Guy says, I got really hung up on the part about people smelling my finger, the writer admits there is a flaw in the song and tries to be self-aware as an excuse. Being self-award is not an excuse for lazy writing because it shows the writers are aware of their mistakes and choose not to fix them. Jonathan's verse is creepy because he raps about finding a romantic attraction to girls. Also, he states he tries to take them to his basement to meet his mother.



Brooklyn Guy's Wage