Season 1, Episode 2: The Life Of Brooklyn Guy

July 15, 2021

Before I started the review, I put the links for the video and other information at the end.

On December 8, 2007, Logan Austin Thrityarce created the YouTube channel called SuperMarioLogan, which was about plush and puppets of Nintendo characters like Mario and Browser Jr in comedic situations. When Thrityarce got a cease and desist letter from Nintendo, he deleted his first channel, rebranded himself as SML, and replaced Nintendo characters with his original puppets. One of the SML characters was Brooklyn T. Guy, a character with a lot of jobs. He was a straight man that used sarcasm to bring common sense for characters acting crazy or stupid. Also, he lived in a loveless relationship with his wife. For example, he fat-shamed his ex-wife, Debra, and complained about how annoying his current wife, Karen, is. A video focused on Brooklyn Guy's life and job called The Life Of Brooklyn Guy.

The Life of Brooklyn Guy was an awful video for two reasons. The first reason was that it tortured Brooklyn Guy for twelve minutes. The second reason was the video was a disappointment. The only good parts of the video were the jokes Brooklyn Guy and Chef Pee Pee made. Chef Pee Pee was a secondary character who was a private chef for the main character, Junior. Brooklyn Guy was one of the best parts of the video because he makes some clever comebacks, like the time he made fun of his rival, Mark’s botox. Another example was when he said to his wife, “I don’t know Karen. Maybe it's because I'm sleeping with Snorlax all night.” After all, she asked why he was in a mood. The joke was funny because Brooklyn Guy roasted his annoying wife for being tone-deaf. Her snoring was so loud that Brooklyn Guy cannot sleep. Chef Pee Pee was a hilarious character because of his arrogance and delusion that he is the best chef in the world. There was a funny scene when Chef Pee Pee believed that he slightly overcooked the dinner even though the hotdog was the color black.

The torture of Brooklyn Guy started at the beginning of the video. Karen never does the housework when Brooklyn Guy goes to work. For example, Karen gave Brooklyn Guy two ham and cheese Lunchables for breakfast and lunch, which Brooklyn Guy refused the sad attempt of a lunch. The problem with the scene as she had time to get her nails and hair done but not make a decent meal for Brooklyn Guy. When Brooklyn Guy chose what clothes to wear, he never wore a yellow shirt for happy days. The shirt scene was disturbing because he lived a miserable life since he constantly worked, which means he does not have the time to do his passion. Before Brooklyn Guy went to work, he said, “Oh, could you just cut my breaks today. Just kill me. Please. Thank you”. The disturbing scene showed Brooklyn Guy stopped feeling any happiness in his life due to the endless amount of work causing him to have suicidal thoughts. Before Brooklyn Guy left the house, Karen had the guts to ask him to get a battery even though she was unemployed and a housewife. During Brooklyn Guy’s doctor job, he was doing open-heart surgery on a War World II veteran. It was confusing the veteran did not recognize Brooklyn Guy even though the veteran was his patient for fifteen years. Also, the veteran was remarkably disrespectful to Brooklyn Guy by calling him a coward for not doing the surgery when he was awake. Also, he talked about how brave he was. When Brooklyn Guy got a 911 call, the veteran started biting him. The 911 call was from Junior over Chef Pee Pee burning dinner. Brooklyn Guy thought the house was on fire, so he left the hospital and went to his firefighter job. Junior prevented a life-saving surgery and risked someone’s life over a hotdog. Then, Junior asked Brooklyn Guy to arrest Chef Pee Pee which made no sense because Junior was not stupid enough to believe burning food is illegal since he likes to eat burnt mac and chess. When Brooklyn Guy returned to the hospital, Mark finished the surgery and acted like a total douche about it. For example, Brooklyn Guy was rightfully upset that Mark did surgery on his patient, so Mark said, “Well, maybe you should spend more time doing surgeries than playing dress-up”, even though Brooklyn Guy was doing his firefighter job. Then, Mark gloated about his hot wife causing Brooklyn Guy to lie about how hot his wife is. Mark asked about seeing the Brooklyn Guy's wife, so Brooklyn Guy punched him in the face. The punch was satisfying to see because Brooklyn Guy stood up for himself. When Brooklyn Guy returned to his home, Karen gave Brooklyn Guy burnt lasagna for dinner. Since Karen was too lazy to do the dishes, she put the lasagna on the microwave plate and told him to use scissors as forks. So, Brooklyn Guy asked for Lunchables form early since he cannot eat his lasagna, but she ate it. After dinner, Brooklyn Guy tried to relax by watching TV, but he could not because the remote had no batteries because Karen was too lazy to get the batteries. When Brooklyn Guy was trying to go to sleep, Karen loudly and annoyingly talked about her day, making him unable to sleep. Since Brooklyn Guy did not eat all day, he got himself a Happy Meal, but Karen stopped him because McDonald's was unhealthy. Also, she took Brooklyn Guy’s toy. Earlier, she gave Brooklyn Guy two ham and cheese Lunchables and lasagna. Ham and cheese Lunchable had seven grams of saturated fat and seven hundred and twenty milligrams of sodium. The lasagna had four hundred and fifty-nine milligrams of sodium. Brooklyn Guy and Karen should get a divorce because Brooklyn Guy hated his wife, and Karen was toxic. The video was a disappointment because it focused on Brooklyn Guy, a character who was famously known for many jobs, but the video only depicted two jobs. The video could be better if it showed more of Brooklyn Guy’s jobs like a police officer, plumber, pizza delivery driver, zookeeper, NASA space cadet, and many more.




